BIOS Setup Information
WADE-8011/WADE-8012 User’s Manual
Wake system with Fixed Time
Enabled or Disabled system wake on alarm event. When Enabled, system will wake
on the hr::min::sec specified.
Choices: Disabled, Enabled
Wake up hour
Select 0-23 for example enter 3 for 3am and 15 for 3pm.
Choices: 0-23
Wake up minute
Choices: 0-59
Wake up second
Choices: 0-59
Wake system with Dynamic Time
Use this item to enable or disable system wake on alarm event. When set as [Enabled],
system will wake on the current plus increased minute(s).
Choices: Disabled, Enabled
CPU Configuration
These items show the advanced specifications of your CPU. Read only.
Enabled for Windows XP and Linux (OS optimized for Hyper-Threading
Technology) and Disabled for other OS (OS not optimized for Hyper-Threading
Technology). When Disabled only one thread per enabled core is enabled.
Choices: Disabled, Enabled.