NAR-5620 Series
mov bl,06h
; Write GP_IO_SEL_bit19 0
mov dx,cx
add dx,bx
;mov dx, 482h
mov dx, cx
xor bx, bx
mov bl, 02h
add dx, bx
in al,dx
; read first
and al, 08h
out dx, al
;mov dx, 486h
mov dx, cx
xor bx, bx
mov bl, 06h
add dx, bx
in al, dx
call IODELAY ; io delay
and al,0F7h
; bit19 ---> 0
out dx,al
; Initial GPIO39 as an Output end
; make sure GPO39 = 1 start ( RST2DF F/F no cleared by GPO39 )
xor bx,bx
mov bl,0eh
; Write GPO19 1
mov dx,cx