Thank you for purchasing POMCube iCAN NetZero Plus, an intelligent energy
system that helps provide a fully integrated power system. In order to use your
device safely, efficiently, and effectively, please read the User Manual
thoroughly and follow the instructions provided before use. Please keep this
User Manual for future reference.
This manual applies to the following products:
- iCAN NetZero Plus 7.5K (Model No.: PNZ-7.5K120.0N-NA1) which includes:
Universal PCS (Model No.: PNZ-7.5K1N2-NA0) * 1
Lithium Iron Battery System (Model No.: PBT-LI40052S2-WP) *1
- iCAN NetZero Plus 10K (Model No.: PNZ-10K120.0N-NA1) which includes:
Universal PCS (Model No.: PNZ-10K1N2-NA0) * 1
Lithium Iron Battery System (Model No.: PBT-LI40052S2-WP) *1
- iCAN NetZero Plus 11K (Model No.: PNZ-11K120.0N-NA1) which includes:
Universal PCS (Model No.: PNZ-11K1N2-NA0) * 1
Lithium Iron Battery System (Model No.: PBT-LI40052S2-WP) *1
- iCAN NetZero Plus 12.5K (Model No.: PNZ-12.5K120.0N-NA1) which includes:
Universal PCS (Model No.: PNZ-12.5K1N2-NA0) * 1
Lithium Iron Battery System (Model No.: PBT-LI40052S2-WP) *1
All specifications and descriptions contained in this document are verified to be
accurate at the time of printing. However, POMCube reserves the right to change
products information and specifications without notice. Products and
specifications discussed herein are for reference purposes only. All information
discussed herein may change without notice and without warranties of any kind.
This document and all information discussed herein remain the sole and
exclusive property of POMCube.
iCAN NetZero Plus system may be updated for technical reasons without prior