SpectraLink 8020/8030 Wireless Telephone: Administration Guide for SIP
PN: 1725-36038-001_N.docx
Invalid Usr/Pwd
When WPA2-Enterprise or Cisco FSR
is selected, the handset failed to
connect due to incorrect device
credentials or unavailability of
authentication server. If the error is
because of the incorrect device
credentials then the username or
password doesn’t match with those
configured on the authentication
Verify that the required credentials
{username, password} are created on
the authentication server and should
match the handset. This may also
happen when the authentication server
is not reachable while doing the EAP
authentication. Make sure the
authentication server is active and
reachable from the WLAN access
points/controller at all times.
Multiple GW Res
More than one SpectraLink 8000 SVP
Server has responded.
Caused by two or more handsets
sharing the same IP address. Assign
unique IP addresses to each handset.
Multiple SVP Reg
y…y = SVP IP address
Handset received responses from
multiple SVP Servers; displays IP
address of one responding SVP
This can happen if the handset has
been reconfigured to use a different
SVP server and then powered on
before the previous server has had time
to determine that the handset is no
longer connected to it. The problem
should go away after about 30 seconds.
Must Upgrade
Handset software is incompatible with
Download new software from the
Polycom website per
Net Busy
x…x = AP MAC address.
Handset cannot obtain sufficient
bandwidth to support a call; displays
MAC of failing AP.
Try the call again later.
No 802.11a Sub-
bands Enabled
'a' radio selected but no sub-bands are
Configure 'a' radio sub-bands from
No 802.11 Sub-
bands Enabled
'b/g radio selected but no sub-bands
are enabled
Configure 'b/g' radio sub-bands from
No APs Heard
The handset is unable to hear
beacons/probes from any AP in the
network in site survey mode.
Verify that network is properly
configured and the handset is able to
hear beacons from the AP.
No DHCP Server
Handset is unable to contact the
DHCP server.
Check that DHCP is operational and
connected to WLAN or use Static IP
configuration in the handset.
Attempted to run Site Survey
application without an ESSID set.
Let handset come completely up.
Statically configure an ESSID in the
No Func Code
Handset software download files are
incorrect or corrupted.
Reconfigure the handset to gain access
to the WLAN and download new code.
No Host IP
The handset is configured for “static
IP” (as opposed to “use DHCP”) and
no valid host IP address (the handset’s
IP address) has been entered.
Enter a valid IP address in the
configuration settings or change to “use