Proprietary & Confidential
Introduction to PSPI
This chapter describes the Provisioning Stored Procedure Interface (PSPI),
discusses the various current and legacy versions of PSPI, and provides basic
information you need in order to use stored procedures.
Overview of PSPI
PSPI is a bundled set of SQL functions for adding
data to and
retrieving it from the ReadiVoice Informix database. Provisioning is the
process of defining the system profile of ReadiVoice users, such as creating a
new subscriber account or changing the parameters of an existing account (for
instance, the number of lines available to the subscriber).
The PSPI stored procedures are defined during the ReadiVoice installation
process in conjunction with the database tables. A stored procedure is an
object in the database and therefore is available to every application that runs
on the database. For instance, PSPI can be used in conjunction with the
ReadiVoice Moderator API (MAPI) or with alternate applications designed by
the user.
Stored procedure calls (SPCs) are used to execute frequently repeated or
complex tasks more efficiently than straight SQL code. Like function calls, they
return a set of values in response to a query or data input.
This manual is for the developer using Polycom’s CleverVoice™ Web
Conferencing Software Development Kit (SDK) to create custom applications
for provisioning and controlling a ReadiVoice Intelligent Voice Conferencing
System. To use PSPI, you should be familiar with SQL databases in general,
Informix, and the ReadiVoice system.
Polycom authorizes the use of only the stored procedures described in this
publication. Other
files reside in the ReadiVoice file system; however, those not
included here are designed for Polycom internal use only and may cause
unforeseen problems if used otherwise.