Manual and time programmable zone temperature control.
Supports up to 16 zones.
Address of each zone is set directly from the touchpad.
Maintains room temperature within ±1°C using an onboard sensor.
LCD indicator for zone status and parameter display.
User-friendly temperature and program setting.
Real time clock with battery backup.
5-1-1 programmable temperature setting point and start time.
Personalised zone labelling.
Auto spill/bypass --- the designated zones/bypass are forced
open when all zones are turned off.
Safety system --- Opens all dampers if the supply air
temperature is less than low limit or more than high limit.
All zones automatically return to their original on/off state once
power up.
Zonemaster VAV (Variable Air Volume) is a fully featured system
designed to accurately manage air flow by zone in Ducted reverse cycle,
heating and evaporative air conditioning systems.
It manages airflow from the A/C unit by assessing temperatures in each
zone and opening and closing dampers to increase or decrease airflow to
achieve and maintain a preset temperature in that zone.
The temperature difference that the Zonemaster can achieve will not be
lower (cooling) or higher (heating) than the temperature set by the AC unit.
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