All Poly Edge E Series phones support a Contact Directory and a Corporate Directory.
Using the Directories
Use the directories on your phone to view, call, and manage your contacts.
Add a Contact to the Contact Directory
When you add a contact to your contact directory, choose how much information you want to enter for your contact. The
only required field in the contact directory is the Contact field (the contact’s phone number).Your system administrator
determines the available fields and options.
1 Do one of the following:
• Go to Directories > Contact Directory.
• On the Lines screen, long press a key for an available line (+).
2 In the Contact Directory, select Add.
3 On the Add Contact screen, enter your contact’s phone number is the Contact field. All other fields are optional.
You can provide the following information for each contact.
Contact Information Options
First Name
Your contact’s first name
Last Name
Your contact’s last name
Your contact’s phone number
Job Title
Your contact’s position
Your contact’s personal or work email address
Favorite Index
An index number that allows your contact to display in your
Favorites list.
A label or title for your contact.
Ring Type
The ring type assigned to the contact.
Outgoing Line
The line that speed dial calls use for your contact.
Divert Contact
The contact you want to divert calls from this contact to.
Auto Reject
Select whether to automatically reject calls from this contact.
Auto Divert
Select whether to automatically divert calls from this contact
E400 Series only. Specify whether a favorite contact displays on
the primary or secondary screen. The contact must have an
assigned favorite index number.
4 Select Save.