Pins A and B can be identified with serial handshaking lines using the Pololu USB AVR Programmer
Configuration Utility.
After your have associated pins
with serial handshaking lines, you can take
advantage of the I/O capabilities of
by either using a terminal program that supports
control signals (such as
) or by writing
a computer program.
The Microsoft .NET framework is free to use and it contains a
class that makes it
easy to read and write bytes from a serial port as well as set and read the control signals.
Here is some example C# .NET code that uses a serial port in this way:
// Choose the port name and the baud rate.
System.IO.Ports.SerialPort port = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM4", 115200);
// Connect to the port.
// Assuming that line A is identified with RTS, this drives line A high (5 V).
port.RtsEnable = true;
// Assuming that line B is identified with DSR, this takes a digital reading of line B.
if (port.DsrHolding)
MessageBox.Show("Line B is high.");
MessageBox.Show("Line B is low.");
// Disconnect from the port so that other programs can use it.
Pololu USB AVR Programmer User's Guide
© 2001–2010 Pololu Corporation
5. Communicating via the USB-to-TTL-Serial Adapter
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