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PG. 14
The miniPAR Logger must be connected to the HOST
computer via the USB connection. When correctly
connected, the miniPAR Logger’s LED will display a
constant green light.
Click the “Connect” button. The program will contact the
miniPAR Logger. If the connection is successful, then the
button will turn green and display “Connected”. The Serial
Number and other parameters will be filled in from the
information taken from the miniPAR Logger.
If the HOST computer is connected to the Internet, then
the current difference between an Internet server’s time
and the miniPAR Logger’s internal clock will be displayed.
If more than a week has passed since time was last set,
then the miniPAR Logger’s clock will be set and the
checkmark icon will appear. If the HOST computer is not connected to the Internet, then no time
services will occur.
The current miniPAR Logger’s sample interval will be displayed next to the “Set Sample Interval”
To set the interval, enter an interval not less than 1 minute and not greater than 60 minutes. Click
the “Set Sample Interval” button. Shorter and faster intervals are available. Contact PME.
If this interval is acceptable, then the interval need not be set.
End the miniPARControl program by closing the window. Disconnect the miniPAR
Logger’s USB
Upon disconnection of the USB cable, the miniPAR Logger will begin logging or remain halted as
indicated by the position of the Logger Control Switch.
2.3 miniPARPlot
Begin the program operation by clicking “miniPARPlot.jar”. The program presents the screen shown
The miniPARPlot program plots the files recorded by the
miniPAR Logger. The program reads all the miniPAR
Logger files in a folder, except the CAT.txt file. Select the
folder that contains the files recorded by the miniPAR
Logger. If the miniPARPlot program is run directly from
the miniPAR Logger, then the program will suggest the
folder that is located on the miniPAR Logger’s SD card.
You may accept this by clicking “Plot”, or you may click “Select DATA Folder” to browse to your
HOST computer’s hard drive. If the number of measurements recorded is small, for example a few
thousand, these can conveniently be plotted directly from the miniPAR Logger’s storage. However, it