7. Use Cases - Modes That Change the Range
and Framerate
The flexibility of Time-of-Flight is that it is not locked into one distance. Through the
use of Use Cases, a user can change the distance and framerate to dial in a mode that
is best for their application. On a working system it takes one frame rate to change
between modes, allowing a single ToF camera device to change from near range, far
range, or in between within a single frame rate.
• The “5” modes (5 sub-frames) are better for short distances, or in the case where
processor loading is a concern. The Mode 5 cases use about 30% less processing
overhead than the Mode 9 Cases
• The “9” modes (9 sub-frames have longer range and depth quality as they use two
modulation frequencies
6. Royale Viewer
Once the Flexx2 is attached to a free USB port, and the drivers are in place, you
may start the Royale viewer application which gives you a first indication, if the Flexx2
is working on your target system. The Royale viewer displays a 2D and a 3D
representation of the captured depth data.
In an application, the user would use the C/C++ compatible Royale API.
Please refer to the separate RoyaleViewer.pdf for an explanation of the functionality.