Pinot User Manual
This button toggles the level meter display on and off for all DSD recording modes. For PCM
modes the level meter is always on.
The first time this button is pressed the software version is displayed. If the button is then
pressed again within 5 seconds the last 3 digits of the serial number are displayed. Pressing it a
third time will display the filter selection for quad DSD.
If no button is pressed for 5 seconds the display will indicate the recording sample rate.
The Pinot can slave to an external word clock (BNC WCLK input connector) and this button
toggles this function on an off. When it is set to clock slave mode (external clock) the last decimal
point on the front panel display is lit:
Clock slave mode activated:
Clock slave mode inactive:
When in clock slave mode the Pinot will automatically detect the base frequency (44.1kHz or
48kHz). The user can then select any multiple of the base frequency as the recording sample
rate. For instance, if the Pinot detects a base frequency of 44.1kHz, then the user can select any
of the following recording sample rates: 44.1, 88.2, 176.4, 352.8, DSD1, DSD2, DSD4. Similarly,
if the Pinot detects a base frequency of 48kHz then the following recording sample rates can be
selected: 48, 96, 192, 384kHz (all DSD rates are multiples of 44.1kHz).
The frequency of the word clock input signal can be any binary multiple of 44.1kHz or 48kHz up
to 512FS.
Adjusts recording sample rate down one step. Only active when no USB device is connected,
otherwise sample rate is set by computer connected via USB.
Adjusts recording sample rate up one step. Only active when no USB device is connected,
otherwise sample rate is set by computer connected via USB.
This button can also be used to change the filter setting for quad DSD when the filter selection is
displayed (see Function button and chapter for "Filter Settings for quad DSD").