Rev 6.3.0 12.09.16
PL Reference Manual
0.3 Features
The PL series of solar controllers are exceptionally
versatile. They give the user unparalleled capability
to adjust the function of the controller and to
monitor the performance of the energy system.
To cater for both non technical and technical users,
the PL has four preset programs which can be used
without needing to understand the details of its
operation. For those with a good understanding of
power regulation, there is another program, which
allows all the settings to be adjusted if required.
Once the program has been selected, it is
possible to disable any further adjustment. This
prevents unauthorised adjustment of settings.
Although the PL is primarily a device to control the
charging of batteries from solar electric (photovoltaic)
panels, it can also be used with other energy sources
such as wind, microhydro and fuel driven generators.
The PL can support a variety of regulation
methods. It supports slow speed switching and
fixed frequency pulse width modulation (PWM)
control in series and diversion modes.
There is provision for a temperature sensor to
be attached. There is an input for measuring
external voltages. A communications interface
is provided for accessories including remote
shunt adapters (PLS2), an RS232 adapter to
communicate with a computer/modem (PLI),
and a PLA unit which provides additional alarm
outputs and syncronisation of multiple regulators,
as well as an RS232 output.
The PLI and PLA allows remote monitoring and
adjustment. Custom settings can be stored on a
computer and uploaded into the PL controller.
Data from the PL can be downloaded into the
computer and displayed easily.
Low battery voltage load disconnection is
provided, as are an alarm, facility to control the
charging of a second battery bank, control for
a back up generator and an event controller
which can be used to control lights, pumping,
waste energy use and other timer functions. A
temperature sensor can be added to correct the
regulation voltages for battery temperature.
The PL controller can have external current
shunts attached and control larger systems
through external switch blocks or relays.
0.4 Thermal Protection
The PL has a temperature sensor on the circuit
board. The function of this sensor is to tell the
PL how hot it’s own circuit board is so that it can
reduce the charge current (the major heating
source) in order to protect against overheating.
It’s virtually impossible for a correctly installed PL
in good order to overheat.