User Manual of WNAP-6315
The description of this setting
Check the “
” box of which rule you want to delete, and then click the “
Delete Selected
” button to delete it.
5.5.2 IP Filtering
IP Filtering is used to block internet or network access to
specific IP addresses
on your local network. The
restricted user may still be able to login to the network but will not be able to access the internet. To begin
blocking access to an IP address, enable IP Filtering and enter the IP address of the user you wish to block.
Choose menu “
IP Filtering
”, and you can configure which IP address and protocol to be restricted.
After the configuration, please click the “
Apply Changes
” button to save the settings.
Figure 5-6-1
IP Filtering
The page includes the following fields:
Enable IP Filtering
Check this box to enable IP Filter function
Local IP Address
Add LAN IP address you want to control
Select the port number protocol type (TCP, UDP or both). If you are unsure,
then leave it to the default both protocol
The description of this setting
Check the “
” box of which rule you want to delete, and then click the “
Delete Selected
” button to delete it.