5. Press ‘Down’ key until ‘7. PPPoE Username’ is selected, and press ‘Select’ key. You’ll be
prompted to your PPPoE username, please use the numeric keypad to input your username,
press the same key repeatedly to switch input character in following list:
1 1
2 AaBbCc2
3 DdEeFf3
4 GgHhIi4
5 JjKkLl5
6 MmNnOo6
7 PpQqRrSs7
8 TtUuVv8
9 WwXxYyZz9
0 0
* +?@.
# #
For example, if you want to input ‘B’, you have to press ‘2’ key for 3 times repeatedly, and the time
between each keystroke is less and 2 seconds; If the time period between keystroke is longer than
2 seconds, the cursor will move right and you can enter a new character. For example, if you want
to enter ‘Bc’, you have to press ‘2’ key for 3 times repeatedly, stop for 3 seconds, and press ‘2’ key
for 5 times. To erase a character, press
When you finish input your PPPoE username, remember to press
key to save it, or press
to discard. You can input up to 40 characters.
6. Now press
key until
‘8. PPPoE Password’
is selected, and press
key. You’ll
be prompted to enter your PPPoE password, please use the same method described in last
step to enter your password.
03:12 09/09 0123456
6. DNS Server2 (Static)
2. PPPoE Username
03:12 09/09 0123456
7. PPPoE Username
8. PPPoE Password