User’s Manual of POE-1200G / POE2400G
Displays the current gateway address of PoE Injector Hub.
Display the system description of PoE Injector Hub.
System Date
Display the current system date of PoE Injector Hub.
System UpTime
Display that when the system started up.
Table 4-3-1
Descriptions of the System Information Web page screen Objects
4.3.2 IP Configuration
This section provides the IP Configuration of PoE Injector Hub, the screen in
Figure 4-3-2
appears and
Table 4-3-2
describes the IP Configuration object of PoE Injector Hub.
Figure 4-3-2
IP Configuration Web page screen
DHCP Client
Allow disable or enable the DHCP Client function of PoE Injector Hub.
IP Address
Allow input new IP Address of PoE Injector Hub.
Subnet Mask
Allow input new Subnet Mask Address of PoE Injector Hub.
Default Gateway
Allow input new Default Gateway Address of PoE Injector Hub.
Allow input new system description of PoE Injector Hub, the maximum length is
20 characters.
Press this button to take effect.
Press this button for resets not apply IP Configuration to default mode.
Table 4-3-2
Descriptions of the IP Configuration Web page screen Objects
If PoE Injector Hub didn’t receive IP address from DHCP server then user still can connect to the IP address
before change to DHCP client mode, or user can use Smart Discovery Utility to find out what is IP address
set in the PoE Injector Hub currently.