Make sure SMTP or FTP configuration has been completed. See section Mail and FTP
for further details.
PTZ Function
Assign a camera function: Preset, Sequence, Autopan or Cruise, and specify a Preset Point/Sequence
Line/Autopan Path/Cruise Line for the camera to perform at an alarm occurrence.
Please refer to the sections through Preset Programming to Sequence Line
Programming for details of Preset Point / Sequence Line / Autopan Path / Cruise Line
If the selected function is “Preset,” it is required to enter its dwell time (1 ~ 256 sec.) in the
corresponding field as shown below. When the alarm is triggered, the camera will go to the selected
Preset Point and stay there for a user-defined period of time. As for other function modes, the camera
will keep executing the specified function; to stop the performance, simply change the camera’s status.