Upload Image by E-Mail
Select this item, and the Administrator can assign an e-mail address and configure various parameters
as shown in the figure below. When motion is detected, event images will be sent to the appointed
e-mail address.
Make sure SMTP or FTP configuration has been completed. See section
4.3.5 Mail
4.3.6 FTP
for further details.
File Name
The uploaded image’s filename format can be set in this section. Please select the one that meets your
Click the Save button to save all the Motion Detection settings mentioned above.
4.3.9 Snapshot
The IP Camera supports JPEG snapshot function. Users can specify a storage location for the
snapshots. The default setting is: C:\. Once confirm the setting, press “Save,” and all the snapshots will
be saved in the designate location.
Make sure the selected file path contains valid characters such as letters and