Time interval (sec) [0-7200]:
The default interval is 10. The value is the interval between each detected motion.
Users could adjust the parameter and level of Motion Detection Settings.
Sampling pixel interval [1-100]: Default value: 10
Detection level [1-100]: Default value: 10
Sensitivity level [1-100]: Default value: 80
Time interval (sec) [0-7200]: Default value: 10
Total four actions could be selected once the motion is detected.
Triggered Action (Multi-option)
The Administrator can specify alarm actions that will take when motion is detected. All options are listed
as follows:
Enable Alarm Output
Check the item and select the predefined type of alarm output to enable alarm relay output when
motion is detected.
This option is excluded in the IP Camera.
Send Alarm Message by FTP/E-Mail
The Administrator can select whether to send an alarm message by FTP and/or E-Mail when motion is
Upload Image by FTP
Select this item, and the Administrator can assign a FTP site and configure various parameters as
shown in the figure below. When motion is detected, event images will be uploaded to the appointed
FTP site.