720p SIP Multi-unit Video Door Phone with RFID and PoE
E. Auto Provision
Auto Provision
Field Name
Common Settings
Current Configuration Version
Show the current config file’s version. If the config file to be downloaded is
higher than the current version, the configuration would be upgraded. If
the endpoints confirm the configuration by the Digest method, the
configuration would not be upgraded unless it differs from the current
General Configuration
Show the common config file’s version. If the configuration to be
downloaded and this configuration is the same, the auto provision would
stop. If the endpoints confirm the configuration by the Digest method, the
configuration would not be upgraded unless it differs from the current
CPE Serial Number
Serial number of the equipment
Authentication Name
Username for configuration server. It is used for FTP/HTTP/HTTPS. If this
is blank, the phone would use anonymous access
Authentication Password
Password for configuration server. It is used for FTP/HTTP/HTTPS.
Configuration File Encryption
Encryption key for the configuration file