The following requirements must be observed, otherwise the function of the flow monitor is
impaired or measurement results are falsified:
external magnetic fields will influence the switch contact. Keep sufficient distance to
magnetic fields (e.g. electric motors).
piping, process connections or supports made of ferromagnetic material influence
the magnetic field of the device. Keep a space of minimum 100 mm to those
materials (e.g. steel).
changes in cross-section, branch-offs or arcs in the pipe system impair measuring
accuracy. Ensure that the unimpeded flow sections are maintained (in front of
instrument 10 x nominal diameter, behind the instrument 5 x nominal diameter).
Never reduce the pipe diameter immediately before the device.
in the case of liquid media, take appropriate steps to ensure that the device is ven-
to ensure measuring accuracy, the device must always be completely filled with
vent the pipeline. If there are air pockets in the line during the measurement, this
could result in damage to the device caused by hydraulic shock. This may cause
ensure that the plant is operating without cavitation. Cavitation may result in mal-
functions and damage to the device.
ensure that the medium is flowing continuously. Pulse-like staggered loads could
destroy the device. This may result in serious injury to the user.
if the mediums is contaminated by solids, a strainer must be installed before the
device (e.g. SF00 or SF01 from PKP)
Direction of flow:
Only install the flow monitor in one of the positions displayed in the drawing. The medium
must flow in the direction of the arrow (from a low to a high scale value).
DS04 Instruction manual 03/2020
page 5