Softbox Parts.
Outer Ring
Inner Ring
Backing Material
Outer Diffuser
Inner Diffuser
The Speedring
The Speedring is made up of two parts.
The Outer Ring (which is where the rods
which form the basic structure of the
softbox go into), and the Inner Ring,
(which features they Bayonet fitting which
enables you to mount your softbox to
your light).
This speedring is designed so that the
Inner ring can be switched out for a dif-
ferent ring, which is ideal for people who
own more than one flash system, or are
thinking about switching flash brands.
To change the inner ring, simply remove
one of the retaining thumb-screws and
the ring the ring should come out (You
may have to loosen the other screws, but
you only really need to remove one).
Bowens S-Type
Multiblitz V
Multiblitz P
Inner Rings Are Available in The
Following Fittings:
This Key shows you which holes on the
speedring are used for which style of
softbox you assembling