Please be sure to read before handling the product. Please refer to "safety instructions", "common safety instructions for products listed in this manual", "common safety instructions for flow controller" from page 24 through 35.
Tube end
Elastic-sleeve seal
In case that tube is not inserted to tube
end completely
mm size
Nylon tube
Urethane tube
Table 1. Tube O.D. Tolerance
inch size
Nylon tube
Urethane tube
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
±0.1mm (0.0039in.)
±0.15mm (0.0059in.)
6. Cautions on the fitting of tube
(1) Make certain that the end of the tube is cut at right angles, the tube surface is free from flaws, and the tube is not deformed
into an ellipse.
(2) When fitting a tube, refer to the dimensional specification of Table 2. To prevent leaks, insert the tube to end completely.
(3) On completion of fitting, make certain that the tube does not come out at your pulling.
* At the time of installing a tube on a fitting, although it is hard to identify the lock-claws by looking into release-ring hole, tube
not always looses. Most of causes of loosing tube are
shear drop of fore-end of lock-claws and
abnormal (small) tube
outer diameter. Therefore, please insert the tube following the procedure of fitting of tube (1) to (3) even if the lock-claws is
not observed.
7. Cautions on the release of tube
(1) Before releasing the tube, make certain that the pressure inside the tube is zero.
(2) Push the release ring fully inside and pull out the tube. Unless you push it completely in, the tube may not come out and
scrapings of tube may be left inside the joint.
Cautions :
1. In installing the piping, be sure to remove dust or drainage from the inside of piping. Dust or drainage left unremoved may enter
other equipment, thus causing troubles.
2. When using an ultrasoft tube to connect to a Quick-Fitting Joint, be sure to use an insert ring in the bore of the tube. Otherwise
the tube may fall out to cause leakage.
3. A crack occurs under the influence of ozone and causes malfunction if NBR is used as material of a seal rubber, a vacuum pad,
and a gasket. Ozone usually exists in high density near neutralization air, a cleanroom, a high voltage motor, etc. The change
of rubber materials to HNBR or FKM is necessary for measures. Please consult nearest Pisco sales office for the details.
4. The infinitesimal leakage may be produced on the product with oil-free specifications. If a fluid medium is liquid or an
application require something severe condition, please consult nearest Pisco office.
5. When you use tubes of brands other than ours, be sure to confirm that the outside diameter of the tubes satisfies the tolerance
specified Table 1.