Installing the
Attaching the Sensors
Remove the right sensor guide from the guide base.
Insert the right and left cranks into the pressure bonding tool you procured as noted in “Setting up the
pressure bonding tool” (page 9).
Align the end of the pressure bonding tool and the line on top of the strain gauge unit, as shown in the diagram.
Turn the knob on the pressure bonding tool clockwise.
The sensor is being pressure bonded at the specified pressure when the knob becomes loose. Stop turning the knob when
it becomes loose.
Keep the pressure bonding tools clamped in place and do not disturb them for at least 12 hours, until
the adhesive hardens.
Maintain an ambient temperature of 20 to 35°C while the adhesive is hardening.
Do not touch the cranks while the adhesive is hardening.
If you do move the pressure bonding tool, be careful to not touch the crank while you loosen the clamps and remove the pressure
bonding tool from the table.
After 12 hours has elapsed, turn the knob on the pressure bonding tool counterclockwise and remove
the crank.
Before putting away the pressure bonding tool, turn the knob clockwise until it is loose, so the spring is extended and will not become