PSEN ma1.3b-24 VA
Operating Manual PSEN ma1.3b-24 VA
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For your safety
Loss of safety function due to manipulation of the interlocking device
Manipulation of the interlocking device may lead to serious injury and death.
– You should prevent any possibility of the interlocking device being
manipulated through the use of a spare actuator.
– Keep the substitute actuator in a safe place and protect it from unau-
thorised access.
– If spare actuators are used, these must be installed as described in
Installation [
– If the original actuators are replaced with substitute actuators, the ori-
ginal actuators must be destroyed before disposal.
Switch off the supply voltage before disconnecting the safety switch from the supply
Ignition spark from cable separator/connector within the potentially
explosive area can trigger an explosion
When the cable separators/connectors are used within the potentially ex-
plosive area, sparks can be caused and lead to an explosion.
– Make sure that the cable separators/connectors are used only within
the potentially explosive area.
The IP protection type (see
Technical details [
) has been determined in accord-
ance with DIN EN 60529 with a safety switch that is as new.
Unit features
The actuator PSEN ma1.3-08 EX VA belongs to the safety switch.
Coded actuator
Switch and actuator from stainless steel
Safety switch with cable (10 m)
2 safety contacts (reed contacts - N/O)
1 auxiliary contact (N/O)
Design: cylindrical with threaded sleeve
– Safety switch M12
– Actuator M12: PSEN ma1.3-08 EX VA
Operation Magnetic
Switching voltage 24 VDC
LED to display switch status