Function description
Operating Manual PSEN ml sa 1.1/2.1/2.2, PSEN ml DHM
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4. Carry out a function test on the safety switch and actuator. The safety function may only
be checked by qualified personnel.
If the auxiliary release screw is not correctly turned back after use, the
guard locking cannot be activated/deactivated.
Prevent restart
To prevent the machine restarting (unintentionally) while there is someone inside the
danger zone, the actuator can be secured using padlocks (see diagram). As a result the ac-
tuator cannot engage with the safety switch, guard locking is not activated and the machine
is prevented from starting.
Minimum 2, maximum 6 padlocks
Padlock bow diameter
– ≤ 6 mm with maximum 6 padlocks
– ≤ 7 mm with maximum 3 padlocks
Actuator PSEN ml DHM
Flap on the actuator PSEN ml DHM for attaching the padlocks
Escape release
The actuator PSEN ml DHM enables manual release of guard locking via an escape re-
lease handle. The escape release handle is inside the danger zone. So the actuator corres-
ponds to an escape release in accordance with EN ISO 14119
1. Pull back the escape release handle.
2. Acknowledge the stop signal in the controller.