T H E M O D E R N M - B U S T E C H N O L O G Y
PiiGAB Process Information i Göteborg AB
Configuration parameters
From the next part in the main menu,
Change Device Parameters
configuration of the gateway can be made. This is done to make necessary
adjustments to make the right communication towards the superior system and
towards the meters on the M-Bus loop possible.
Figure 4-10. Change device parameters
At this point there are two choices, to configure the gateway via the network, or
via the serial-port on the gateway. If the serial port is chosen adapter 2 is used,
see chapter 2.8.1. Follow the Wizard instructions to configure via the serial-port.
The difference from configure via the network is that you have to turn the voltage
off and on to get to the installations.
Figure 4-11. Change device parameters