Power on self test
Each time the driver is powered up it performs a test of its internal safety features. The driver cannot
be enabled until a self test is performed successfully. The PULSER_OK signal will be pulled high when
the test was successful.
The test will take less than 5 seconds, but can take up to 15 seconds due to internal time-outs if any
failure is detected.
Controlling the driver
The TEC-2-1024 is designed to operate with a connected digital control. However, it can be operated
stand alone when all necessary settings are configured previously as It remembers all settings from the
last time it was powered on. Furthermore it can be configured to load default values on power-on. In
this case it loads pre configured settings each time the power is toggled.
Connecting a digital control to the driver does not alter the internal settings.
No digital control
No digital control
No digital control
No digital control
If no digital control is attached, only the BOB-Connector could be used to enable / disable the driver.
To do so the input pin4 at the BOB connector (“ENABLE”) must be set HIGH. If an error occurs (e.g.
over temperature), the TEC will be disabled and the pin 5 of the BOB connector (“TEC_OK”) is pulled
low. The “ENABLE” pin has to be toggled to enable the driver again.
If a PLB-21 is attached to the TEC, it can be used to control its behavior. The PLB-21 may ask for a
driver to download. This must be confirmed with “yes” in order for the PLB-21 to work properly. This
must always be done when the PLB-21 was connected to any other PicoLAS product. After the
download all operating parameters can be accessed using the PLB-21. For a detailed description see
chapter PLB-21 below.
If the TEC is connected to a PC, all operating parameters can be accessed via a serial RS232 terminal
program or the PicoLAS protocol. For a detailed description of the serial text protocol and the PicoLAS
protocol see below.