Step 13: How to adjust to the sound of your hearing aids
The amount of time it will take you to adjust to the sound of hearing aids will vary, but in most
cases it can take at least 2 months.
Hearing generally deteriorates very slowly, so your brain has to learn to react to sounds it has
not heard for a while. Your brain has to also get used to hearing sounds louder and clearer.
Some sounds will stand out to a lot to begin with, while your brain is adjusting to wearing the
hearing aids.
Everyone is different in what works for them in terms of getting used to hearing aids. We tend
to find most people prefer to build up the use of their hearing aids gradually; initially wearing
them for just a few hours a day in quiet situations.
You will find in “Your Wireless CROS Hearing Aid Fitting” leaflet more detail on how to
get used to your wireless CROS hearing aid and if you have any questions please
contact us.
You can also find more information from this short video: