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Install OTT channels and TIF Channels
It is possible to install “Over The Top” channels, or OTT channels. In case an app offers streaming media
via the TIF principle, it can be installed and added into the TV channel list.
The principle works via the TV Input framework or TIF. More information can be found at:
To install OTT channels, you have to go to the [
Professional Settings
] [
] [
OTT App Channels
] menu and select the OTT App you want to install.
By default, you will only see [
Google Play Movies & TV
If you have installed other apps containing OTT channels they will also be listed here. (in below example
you see [
Haystack TV
If you press “
” on the app it will install the OTT Channels in your channel list.
Once updated you will see the channels in the channel list.
Install IP channels
IP channels cannot be searched for. You need to have a list of IP streams you want to install. See
chapter “IP TV installation” to know how to install IP Channels.