May 1999. Page 7
Initializing the mobile
1. Place the mobile in its storage/charging rack (ensure the switch is set to the programming position).
2. Press the ‘Manual’ alarm button for more than 2 seconds.
3. The mobile will generate a program bleep after initialization and all the setting will be set to default values.
4. When the ‘Manual’ alarm button is not pressed, all the old settings will remain and can be overwritten by the
relevant data string.
5. Each time an address/opcode is programmed a bleep tone is generated by the mobile (only with batteries fitted).
Programming the addresses
4.1.1 Via the Alphadesk
1. Enter the ‘Edit’ menu in the user program
2. Select the ‘Receiver’ menu item
3. Select ‘program Addresses’
4. Enter the mobile ‘Address’ number 1 and Address digits
4.1.2 Via the LBB 580x desk
1. Press the program key followed by the ‘0’ key. The desk is now in the programming mode.
2. The desk display shows RAD:
3. Enter the address as follows: 1 A
= address digit)
Programming the Opcodes
4.2.1 Via a PC fitted with the LBB 6000 card:
To program the functions of the mobile, 2 different operation codes (Opcodes) are used. Each Opcode consists of 6
Hex digits where each digit determines one or a group of functions.
Each digit of the operation code is represented by the letters P, Q, R, S, T, U, and the function or group of functions
assigned to each digit is described in chapter 4.3:
1. Enter the ‘Edit’ menu in the user program
2. Select the ‘receiver’ menu item
3. Select ‘program opcodes’
4. Enter the ‘opcode’ number M
5. M = 3 if operation code 1 is to be programmed in the mobile
6. M = 4 if operation code 2 is to be programmed in the mobile
7. Enter the opcode (HEX value): PQRSTU
4.2.2 Via the LBB 580x desk
1. Press the program key followed by the Opcode number M
M = 3 if operation code 1 is programmed in the mobile
M = 4 if operation code 2 is programmed in the mobile
2. Enter the opcode hexadecimal value: P Q R S T U
(for the description of the opcodes and their functions see page 8).