May 1999. Page 15
When the time interval for check-in calls for a mobile is set to 4.5 seconds (opcode setting = 1) the alphadesk will
respond to these calls with an acknowledge call via the paging line to a pager with the the same address as the
mobile alarm transmitter and as alpha message the address digits of the two locations which were originally sent by
the mobile alarm transmitter.
This feature can be used to perform a field coverage test by walking around the site with a mobile alarm transmitter
and a paging receiver. The paging receiver (or transceiver) can be set to the monitor mode or it should be pro-
grammed on the same address as the mobile alarm transmitter.
Always use the Scanning repeat assistant in the LBB6509 software module to determine the timing of the check-in
calls and the number of repeats of the alarms and directly transmitted location calls. Independent of the outcome of
the calculation of this program the minimum number of repeats that the mobile will transmit will be 3.
To minimise the probability of collisions between calls always enter the repeat time for as long as possible. So
always start with a proposal for the maximum repeat time. Only when the customer insists on a shorter failure detect
time should you decrease the repeat time in the mobile. Never use a shorter repeat time than the result produced
from the calculation of the ‘Scanning Repeat assistant’.
If possible don’t program all mobiles in the system for the shortest repeat time necessary. Due to different working
practices it may not be necessary for all mobile in the system to have equal failure detect times.
The above will improve system occupation making the system less busy. If system occupation is kept as low as pos-
sible, the probability for collisions is kept to a minimum.
If the system consists of a mix of different types of PS-mobiles (e.g. PS-Micro, PS-pagers and PS-transceivers)
always make the calculation with the total number of mobiles and the shortest failure detect time that is used.
Transmission of location calls.
The preferred setting for the transmission of location calls is with check-in calls only (program setting of opcode digit
1T, second bit set to 0). In case of an alarm, the mobile will always send its last two locations with the alarm call. As
long as the mobile stays in alarm condition it will send newly received locations directly to the central which leads to
an update in the alarm text screen (not of the graphical screen). This makes it possible to keep track of a person that
has raised an alarm.
If the alarm call is activated, the new locations will also be transmitted to the assigned paging receiver(s) address
programmed to receive the rerouted alarm call.
If direct transmission of locations is required in a system, minimise the number of mobiles and the number of loca-
tions with which this function is performed. The following possibilities are available to achieve this: