Notifications continued
‘Pace pulse detected’
The Philips biosensor-G5 can
detect a patient’s pacemaker
pulses. Pace pulse detection is
used to flag, not reject, pacing
events. Pacemaker pulses are
detected when amplitudes from
±2mV to ±700mV; pulse widths
from 0.1ms to 2ms; and rise time
of 10% of the pulse width, but not
greater than 100μs are present.
‘Leads off’
Leads off notification is displayed
on the app when the biosensor
does not have appropriate
electrical contact with the skin.
Press down firmly on the device to
see if the notification is resolved.
If the notification continues,
remove and replace the biosensor
following the instructions in the
Basic operation section.
‘Heart rate out of range’
The biosensor can detect heart
rate from 30-220 bpm (beats per
minute). Whenever the heart rate
value calculated outside of this
range, a notification will indicate
Out of Range.
G5 application interface
HR Out-of-Range
HR Out of Range: The biosensor can detect
heart rate from 30-220 bpm. The calculated
heart rate value is outside of this range. Take a
confirmatory, independent check of vitals.
HR Out of Range: The biosensor can detect
heart rate from 30-220 bpm. The calculated
heart rate value is outside of this range. Take a
confirmatory, independent check of vitals.
Pace Pulse Detected: The biosensor can detect
a patient’s pacemaker pulses. Pace pulse
detection is used to flag, not reject, pacing
events. No action is necessary.
Leads Off: The biosensor does not have
sufficient electrical contact with the
patient’s skin. Press down firmly on the
device. If this notification continues,
remove and replace the biosensor.