Product operation
Disconnecting biosensor and saving patient data
Note: Use caution when removing biosensor to prevent skin irritation.
Take care not to pull the hair or skin. An adhesive tape remover may help
with removal.
Note: Dispose of the biosensor according to local laws for battery
operated electronics and hospital guidelines.
1 Disconnect biosensor and begin exporting patient data
Tap menu on top right of
the app dashboard screen.
Select Disconnect, Save and
Using a USB cable, plug
the mobile device into the
computer where patient data
will be stored. Click Next to
Tap Disconnect and Export
Data on app screen. This will
disconnect the G5 biosensor,
if one is paired, and begin
the process of exporting the
patient’s data.
Note: You must continue with step 2
in order to save the patient’s data.
2 Save patient data
on computer
On the computer, click on the
folder icon in the toolbar.
On the left hand side of the
window, click on “Samsung”
Navigate through the folders:
Android > Data > com.philips.
cs.g5.android > Files > Export