TRX Product
4. Configure the fixture by doing one or more of the following:
To set the fixture input source, select Standalone or DMX / Ethernet from the
Input Source drop-down list.
To set the pre-set show to display when in Standalone mode, select Fixed Color,
Color Wash, or Chasing Rainbow from the Effect drop-down list. To configure
pre-set light shows, refer to “Configuring Pre-Set Shows with QuickPlay Pro”
on pages 23 – 24.
To set the fixture’s color control mode, select RGBAW in / out, RGB in / out,
or RGB -
RGBAW from the Color Control Mode drop-down list.
To set the fixture’s dimming curve, select Normal, Linear, or Tungsten from the
Dimming Curve drop-down list, then click Program.
To set the fixture’s LED transition speed, select Fast, Delay 1, Delay 2, Delay 3,
or Delay 4 from the Transition Speed drop-down list, then click Program.
To set the fixture's segment size, select 4 inches, 8 inches, 12 inches, 24 inches,
36 inches (6 ft fixture only), or 72 inches (6 ft fixture only) from the Segment
Size drop-down list.
To set the segment order, select Normal or Reverse from the Segment Order
drop-down list.
To set the orientation of the menu display area, select Yes or No from the Flip
Display drop-down list.
To set the menu display timeout, select 15 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, or 2 min from the
Display Timeout drop-down list.
To set the fan mode, select Thermally Regulated or Constant from the Fan
Mode drop-down list.
When Fan Mode is set to Constant set a fan speed, by selecting a relative speed
(1 is slowest, 10 is fastest) from the Constant Fan Speed drop-down list.
5. When you're ready, click Program to apply all changes.
6. Repeat steps 3 – 5 for each fixture you want to address and configure.
Configuring Pre-Set Shows with
QuickPlay Pro
When a ColorBlaze TRX show is in Standalone mode, the fixture can display one of
a set of pre-set light shows. By default, ColorBlaze TRX displays Fixed Color with
all LED channels set to 0 brightness (fixture is black). QuickPlay Pro lets you set
parameters for each pre-set show.
You can program all discovered ColorBlaze
TRX fixtures with the selected settings
simultaneously by checking "Program all
ColorBlaze TRX" before clicking Program.
Refer to “Using the Onboard ColorBlaze
TRX Menus” above for descriptions of each
of these configuration options.