17” LCD Color Monitor 170V7
5.5 Location of Control icons
Per Philips Graphic sheet
5.6 Color for resin/paint
Per Philips make-up sheet
5.7 Resins
RoHS required
WEEE required.
5.8 If paint is used
Rohs required
WEEE require
5.9 Plastic mold tooling
Tooling to be designed to minimize cosmetic defects induced by molding process (sink, blush, weld lines,
gate marks, ejector marks, etc.).
Painting to cover up cosmetic defects due to molding is strongly discouraged.
5.10 Plastics flammability
All Plastics to be Flame Retardant UL 94-V0 or Better (if monitor weighs less than 18kg; UL94-V0 is OK).
All major plastic parts (bezel, back cover ) need to be molded from same resin.
5.11 Texture/Glossing of housing
The texture area and texture no should follow Philips make-up sheet.
The exterior surfaces shall have a uniform texture.
Philips must approve the mold texturing.
Detail document for texture refer to UAN-D249.
< = 20 gloss units
5.12 Tilt and swivel base
Tilt angle: -5
max (forward) and +20
min. (backward).
5.13 Label
Regulatory label / Carton label should follow Philips requirement.
Detail document refer to Philips Engineering Reference Book.
5.14 Product dimension / Weight
Unit dimension (incl. pedestal) : W: 380 mm, H: 387 mm, D: 200mm
Packed unit dimension ( WW carton) : W: 449mm, H: 182mm, D: 489mm
Packed unit dimension (carton) - W: 460mm, H: 189mm, D: 499mm for China, India
Net weight : 4.7 Kg (Including I/F cable )
Gross weight :
6.1 Kg
for WWW
6.2 Kg ( for PRC )
5.15 Transportation
Transportation standards refer to TYE-M0002.