Revision 05/2014
Copyright © 2014, Fast ČR, a. s.
Before you start working, read the following tips which will help you achieve maximum yield and resulting taste
when juicing and will also make work easier:
Only use fresh fruit and vegetables as they contain more juice. Especially suitable are pineapples, beetroot,
celery, apples, cucumbers, carrots, melons, tomatoes, oranges and grapes. Do not use overripe fruit and
vegetables as the resulting taste of the juice would be ruined.
The majority of fruit and vegetables (e.g. apples, carrots and cucumbers) do not need to be sliced up
because they fi t into the hopper in one piece.
With root vegetables (such as carrot or beetroot), always check before juicing that you have removed all soil,
all tops and leaves, and that all the vegetables are thoroughly washed.
All fruit with large, hard seeds or stones (e.g. nectarines, peaches, mangoes, apricots, plums and cherries)
must have their seeds or stones removed prior to juicing. The stones would make the juice too bitter.
There is no need to remove thin peels or rinds (e.g. apples, pears). It is only necessary to remove thick rinds
(e.g. on oranges, pineapples and raw beetroot). Also, always remove the white pulp from citrus fruits – it has
a bitter taste.
When preparing apple juice, remember that its thickness depends on the type of apples that you use. The
juicier the apple, the less thick the juice will be. Apple juice turns brown very quickly. You can slow down
this process by adding a few drops of lemon juice.
Fruit that contains starch (e.g. bananas, avocado and fi gs) is not suitable for processing in this juicer. Before
adding this fruit into the juicer, process it using a mixer or a food processor.
You can also process petals and leaves in this juicer, e.g. salad leaves.
If you decide to store the juice in a refrigerator, do not leave it there for longer than a day. It may turn sour
after this time.
If you decide to freeze the juice, do not do this for a period longer than one month.
Tomato juice
Juice 1kg of fresh ripe tomatoes and serve immediately. To improve taste, add celery tops and fresh pepper.
Apple juice
Juice 4 large apples with stems removed and serve immediately. You can combine various types of apples to
achieve various tastes. To achieve a sweeter taste and an increased vitamin content, add carrot.
Island cocktail
Juice 1 medium-sized pineapple, 1 papaya, 1 large orange and 1 peeled guava. Add 1 mango (process in a mixer).
Serve immediately.
Carrot fruit juice
Juice 4 large carrots (wash with the top and bottom part removed) together with 2 sweet washed apples (with
their stems removed). Serve immediately.
Pineapple juice
Juice 4 pineapple slices, 1 medium-sized orange and serve immediately.