Chapter 4: Programming the Plus Touch
You set the compensation offset and the high maximum values. Plus Touch adds the compensation
offset to the outdoor temperature to create a new setting called the
compensated high alarm
. The
compensated high alarm becomes the new temperature limit, up until the high alarm maximum.
When the zone temperature is higher than the compensated high alarm, there is an alarm condition.
In the example below, the high alarm is 75°F, compensation offset is 5°F, and high maximum is
85°F. Plus Touch adds 5° to the outdoor temperature to create the compensated high alarm, up to a
maximum of 85°F.
At 10:30 AM, temperature compensation starts because the outdoor temperature plus the
compensation offset is higher than the high temperature alarm setting.
At 2:00 PM, there is an alarm condition because the zone temperature exceeds the high alarm
4:30 PM, there is an alarm condition because the room temperature exceeds the compensated
high alarm.
5:45 PM, compensation ends because the outdoor temperature plus the compensation offset is
less than the high temperature alarm setting.
Use the
Alarm settings worksheet
on page 86 when programming alarms. The
worksheet contains descriptions of each setting.