4.7 Options Details
Auto/Manual Re-route
Enabling the Auto Re-route option will have the software
automatically calculate a new route if the GPS indicator goes
off the calculated route. Manual Re-route requires the user to
press the action button to Re-route.
North Up/Smart Heading Up
Enabling the North Up option will orient the screen to have
North always at the top of the screen. Smart Heading Up
option will set the display to always show the GPS indicator
pointing towards the top of the screen with a compass in the
upper right corner of the screen.
Voice Guidance
This will allow either the Default (USA English using miles) or
an Alternative voice prompt (UK English using kilometers) to
be used for navigation, or to turn Off the Voice Guidance.
Route Options
This option sets the method on how the software will calculate
a route:
: This will calculate the fastest route based on
posted speed limits
t: This will calculate the most direct route
No Hwy
: This will calculate a route avoiding
highways/motorways completely (Can not be used when
actually on a highway/motorway, or when using a Highway
map to route between two maps that are not touching)
Avoid Toll Roads
: This will calculate a route avoiding
marked toll roads completely. Only applies to officially
designated toll roads
Daylight/Night View
Enabling Daylight View will use lighter colors on your screen.
Night View will display darker colors on the map, making it
less bright
(and less distracting to the driver)
than Daylight View.