Page 12
Using the Rota-Loo
(Page 12-13)
The Rota-Loo is used as any other toilet but care must be taken:
Always keep the toilet seat down when not in use
• The toilet may be used to compost other waste, but only certain materials
• Do not use disinfectants to clean the toilet
• Use good quality recyclable toilet paper
Rotating the Rota-Loo
(Page 13)
You will need to check regularly to make sure the waste bins do not overflow - this can be done by looking
down the waste chute with a torch. When a bin is full a bin rotation needs to be done - expect
to do this several times each year depending on use:
• Cover the waste pile with a suitable material
• Rotate the bin to the left
Empty the bin that is next to be used.
Routine Maintenance and Checks
(Page 13-14)
It is recommended that each time the Bins are rotated, you:
Check that the fan is operating and air flow is unobstructed
• Flush out the base of the Rota-Loo with a bucket of water
• Unscrew and empty the condensate cap
Trouble Shooting
(Page 15-16)
Sometimes things go wrong! Most problems are due to the composting process getting too wet or out of
balance. An outline of common problems and remedies are listed in the Manual.
When emptying the Bin, use gloves, eye
protection and a dust mask to protect
yourself from any residual pathogens that
may exist.
Bury the compost under 300mm of top
soil away from where food cultivation
may occur for a 3 month period - this is
a requirement of many Authorities and
an additional safe guard against disease
Each installation will be slightly different because we all have different lifestyles and diets and we live
in different climates. Rota-Loo is designed to operate in a wide range of conditions and in most cases
composting will be effective with a minimum attention.
Make sure that the geotextile filter as supplied is in position in the bottom of each
bin. Mushroom or good garden compost can be used as a start-up accelerator. A
shovel full in each bin is all that is required.
• Replace the bins and door, switch on the fan and the toilet is now ready for use.
NB - A Maxi RL2000 has 8 bins marked 1 - 4 on one side and 1 - 4 on the other
side. With 2 pedestals in use, the bins should be used in sequences of 1&1, 2&2, 3&3, 4&4.
• Fit stickers (“please close the seat”) and wall signs provided to encourage proper use of the Rota-Loo.
Liquid & Moisture
The Maxi should be examined at regular intervals for excess liquid, especially during the initial period
and also during periods of cold weather. If the liquid level continues to build up, it is an indication that the
system requires more heat. During the initial period, the capacity to handle liquid by evaporation is less
than when there is a large volume of humus material. As the chamber fills up, its capacity to handle urine
is gradually increased.
If, on inspection, the composting pile is found to be too dry (target is 45%-70% moisture) then a little
water added down the pedestal may assist the composting.
It is a good idea to place a small amount of mushroom compost, potting
mix, pea straw or similar in the bottom of the bin - this will help start the
composting process more quickly