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The Vents must be diagonally opposite each other (see figure adjacent)
and the fan should be installed at 45 degrees. As far as possible try to
keep the vent pipe at direct run between the fan and the vent cap or
wind turbine. Don’t snake the vent pipe all over the place! Use as few
bends as possible and also make sure there is easy access to the vent
fan and inlet filter for cleaning or replacing.
Fix the Connectors
When the position of the connectors is determined, fix them to the
Vent pipe
Cut Out
Place the connector on the side of the Maxi where it is to be fixed.
Scribe around the connector.
Remove the connector and inscribe a line 40mm inside your marked line.
• With a jigsaw cut out the inner area.
Liberally apply sealant and attach the connector to the Maxi. Drill pilot holes and fix with the stainless
steel self tapping screws provided.
Inlet Pipe (100mm DWV)
The air inlet has to be located diagonally opposite the outlet pipe, (see figure adjacent) and should be
positioned on the side of the unit
approximately 200mm
from the bottom. The air inlet is attached to
the 1OOmm 45º connector.
• From the connector run the air intake pipe to wherever there is a source of warm air. This might be at
the northern side of the building or from a Soltran module (the warmer the better). Do Not fit a vertical
pipe from the roof space to the air intake. This may over load the fan and cause equalization of the air
flow and cause internal odour.
A 100mm filter cap is provided in the kit - this is to go on the inlet pipe to prevent insects entering the
Outlet Pipe (150mm DWV)
• The air outlet has to be located diagonally opposite the inlet pipe,
(see figure above) and should be positioned on the side of the unit
approximately 550mm
from the bottom. The air inlet is attached to the
15Omm 45º connector.
The Fan housing will be fitted directly after the connector at the 45° of the
outlet connector.
• The vent cap and the wind turbine (supplied) have been designed to
improve the air flow. Don’t ever be tempted to substitute them with the
conventional mozzie trap as this could impact on the operation of the vent
and turbine.