Heating jacket
The turbopump and vacuum chamber can be heated to reach the final pressure more
quickly. Use of a heating jacket is only permissible for pumps with the high vacuum flange
in stainless steel design. The heating duration depends on the degree of contamination
as well as the final pressure to be reached and should be at least 4 hours.
When using a casing heating and a water cooling unit the temperature of the connect-
ed flange of the vacuum chamber must not exceed 120 °C.
The maximum permissible rotor temperature for the turbopump is 90 °C. If high tem-
peratures arise for process reasons, the radiated heat input must not exceed 4.2 W.
Install suitable screening sheets, if necessary (design information on request).
Bend open the outer heating jacket on the tensioning strap and place it sidewards on
to the cylindrical segment of the pump casing.
– Do not bend the heating straps!
– The heating jacket must seat completely on the casing segment.
Fix the heating jacket with the fixing screw on the casing.
– Observe the tightening torque for the fixing screw!
Tightening torques for fixing screws of heating jackets
Plug in and fix the accessory’s control lead to the corresponding accessory connection
port on the TC 400.
Default for the casing heating is "
accessory B2
Dangerous excess temperatures
Process-related high temperatures can result in impermissible excess temperatures
and thus damage to the turbopump.
Always use water cooling when a casing heating is used or when the pump is con-
nected to a heated vacuum chamber.
Risk of burns
High temperatures arise when the turbopump or vacuum chamber are baked out. As a
result, there is a danger of burns from touching hot parts, even after the casing heating
is switched off!
Thermally insulate heating jacket, pump housing and vacuum chamber, if possible
during installation.
Do not touch heating jacket, pump casing and vacuum chamber during bake out.
Fig. 8:
Connecting the heating jacket
4 Pump
Heating jacket
Fixing screw
Heating relay box
Warning sticker
Fixing screw
Tightening torque
in cold condition
Tightening torque
during the heating-up
Singular retightening af-
ter the cooling down
6 Nm
7 Nm
7 Nm
11 Nm
12 Nm
12 Nm