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This document is the property of Peugeot Sport and may not be copied or circulated without permission.
207 Spider Technical Instructions
NOT 207 SPI-80
17 - PetPmpStat
Control status of the low-pressure petrol pump
0: The ECU is not controlling the petrol pump.
1: The ECU is controlling the petrol pump.
18 -PosVVT
Position of the VVT (phase shifter) in crankshaft °.
19 - ConsVVT
VVT reading in crankshaft °.
20 - CmdVVT
Value in % of the Cyclical Opening Ratio of the VVT solenoid valve.
21 -PosPap1
Electrical value of track 1 of the electronic throttle valve in volts.
22 - PosPap2
Electrical value of track 2 of the electronic throttle valve in volts.
23 - PosPed1
Electrical value of track 1 of the accelerator pedal in volts.
24 - PosPed2
Electrical value of track 2 of the accelerator pedal in volts.
25 - MED17.X serial no.
BOSCH ECU serial number
26 - Ptyre
Pressure of the gearbox pneumatic circuit
27 - Ppet
High-pressure petrol pressure
28 - Lambda
Value in mV of the lambda sensor
29 - CplMotDem
Torque requested by the driver
30 - CplmotRéel
Actual torque applied to the engine
31 - TECU
Internal temperature of the Bosch ECM
Ed. :
Summary of Contents for 207 Spider