Recording profiles handling
The full sets of recording parameters of the D1000X are contained in so called profiles, as
described in the section “The recording parameters” in this manual. A maximum of ten
profiles can be stored in the D1000X. The D1000X Utility enables the user to create
customized profiles to be loaded into the D1000X from the CF card.
To create a new profile, click on New file and Add new. This will open the D1000X recording
profile window. First, enter the desired name for the profile. The name can have up to ten
characters. After selecting the desired parameters, click Save. To add more profiles, select
Add new once more and repeat the steps above. To save the profiles you have created to a
file, select Save file and enter the desired name for this set of profiles.
To transfer the saved profile file to the CF card, you should first make sure you have an empty
CF card in the selected drive. Then click “Transfer file” and select the file to transfer.
An existing profile file can be edited by selecting Edit file.
Transfer D1000X firmware to CF card
This function transfers a firmware upgrade file from the PC to the CF card in order to upgrade
the D1000X firmware through a special procedure. Firmware upgrades are supplied by
Pettersson Elektronik as they become available, along with instructions on how to upgrade the