Replay mode
The Replay mode can be set to manual (MAN) or automatic (AUTO). The latter means that
after each high-speed recording, the recorded signal is automatically replayed using the
current TE factor. That way the detector behaves like a time expansion detector. If the Replay
mode is set to MAN, no replay of the recorded signal is made. It is of course still possible to
manually replay a file recorded with these settings using the PLAY key.
Save mode
The Save mode determines if and how sound files are saved and can be set to NO, AUTO or
PROMPT. If set to NO, the recording just made will not be permanently saved to a file. This
setting should typically only be used with the automatic replay mode (replay mode set to
AUTO). Then the detector is only used as a time expansion detector, without saving any files.
If the Save mode is set to AUTO, all recordings will be automatically saved.
If set to PROMPT, the user is prompted after each recording whether to save it or not. To save
a file, press ENTER as the text SAVE? appears on the display. To continue without saving the
last recording, press ENTER as the text ERASE? is shown. To toggle between SAVE? and
ERASE?, press the UP ARROW key or DOWN ARROW key.
When files are saved to the CF card, they are numbered sequentially. The prefix tells the type
of recording (M=MIC, C=COM, H=HET, F=FD). I.e. the first “MIC“ recording you make on
an empty CF card, will obtain the name M00001.wav.
Pre/post trigger time
The triggering system determines when a recording is started and stopped. The parameters
that control the triggering system are the Recording mode (see above) and the Pre/post trigger
time. The selectable values for Pre/post trigger time depend on the chosen sampling rate.
The pre trigger time is the time that is recorded just before the triggering moment and the post
trigger time is the time recorded after the triggering moment. The actual pre and post trigger
time that is obtained may differ slightly from the value chosen in the D1000X settings.
More information on this is found in the section “The details of the triggering parameters”.
Trigger source
The source of the level-activated triggering modes can be selected as