Sometimes the collar can loose connection with remote. The fix is pretty quick and
simple. Follow these steps to re-synchronize the system:
1. Make sure that both the Transmitter and Receiver are fully charged and turned on.
2. Press and hold the Power button on the Receiver Collar for about 5 seconds to enter
the Synchronization Mode - the receiver will beep and red LED will start flashing fast.
3. While red LED is flashing, send any correction command from remote. We recom-
mend you to send a Vibration command by pressing and holding the Vibration button
on remote until you feel that collar vibrating. If no command is sent, the flashing will
stop after 10 seconds.
4. The system is now resynchronized - try to send any command to test it.
If you have 2 collars, repeat the above steps for both collars on channel 1 and channel 2.
Shock Test:
•Take the included Test Light and put its metal wire on the Receiver’s Contact Points.
•Press the Shock Button on the Remote Transmitter.
•The Test Light will light up indicating that shock is working.
•The higher the shock level is the brighter it should be.
Vibration Test:
•Press the Vibration Button on the Remote Transmitter.
•The Receiver Collar will vibrate indicating that vibration stimulation is working.
•Try to adjust the level of vibration and see how the intensity is changing.
Tone/Beep Test:
•Press the Tone Button on the Remote Transmitter.
•The Receiver Collar will beep indicating that tone/beep is working.