Acclimating Your Cat to the Litter Box
Most cats easily adapt to the Simply Clean
Automatic Litter Box. Some cats may require an adjustment period to get used to their new litter box.
Here are a few tips to help with the transition:
1. Place the new Simply Clean
Automatic Litter Box next to your cat’s current litter box. Allow your cat to have access to both the old and new litter
boxes for at least a week. This time may vary depending on the temperament of your cat.
2. Stop cleaning your cat’s old litter box, allowing it to remain dirty. Cats prefer a clean litter box, and this will make the new litter box more
appealing. Your cat should start using their new Simply Clean
Automatic Litter Box.
Although the Simply Clean
Automatic Litter Box is quiet while running, you may want to leave it unplugged for a few days so your cat can
get used to the new box without any distractions. If you leave it unplugged, you need to manually scoop waste from the litter box until your cat is
fully transitioned.
3. Once your cat has transitioned to the new litter box, just plug it in and remove the old litter box from the area.
Adaptor to
Wall Outlet
9. Insert the end of the power adaptor into the power connection on
the back of the litter box. Plug it into a standard wall outlet. The
green light on the litter box should illuminate. Your litter box is ready
for use.
LED Indicator
Solid Green
The unit is fully operational.
Blinking Blue
The waste trap or conveyor cover are not
fully in place.
Solid Red
There is an issue with the conveyor motor.
Unplug the unit and plug it back in. If the
light turns red again after 10 minutes,
please call our Customer Care Center at
+1 (800) 732-2677.
Blinking Red
There is an issue with the bowl motor.
Unplug the unit and plug it back in. If the
light blinks red again after 10 minutes,
please call our Customer Care Center at
+1 (800) 732-2677.
Alternating Red
and Blue
There is an issue with both the conveyor
and bowl motors. Please unplug the unit,
and call our Customer Care Center at
+1 (800) 732-2677.