• The
field should be switched to
(to pause the override change the
field to
Not Activated
Setting the Override with Switch
Commercial applications may choose to install a
switch or jumper harness near the engine for
activating the override. There is a dedicated STG pin
on the J1 side of the Electronic Control Module
(ECM) that can be used. Operators must be trained
properly to understand where override switch is
located. Operators must be trained properly to
understand that there could be severe penalties as
mentioned above for misusing the switch. To pause
override, simply turn override switch to OFF position
or unplug the jumper harness. A decal will be next to
switch or jumper harness stating:
Setting the Override through
Electronic Display Menu
Some applications may be able to activate or
deactivate the override through an electronic display
menu. Operators must be trained properly to
understand where override is located and that there
could be severe penalties as mentioned above for
misusing the override. There will be a warning on
display stating:
Resetting the Override
The override needs to be reset through the electronic
service tool whenever the override has expired. The
override cannot be used again until the override is
reset. The check engine and action lamps will
continue to be illuminated until the override is reset.
The override may be reset at any point after the initial
activation. The override can only be reset by the
engine manufacturer, Perkins, or an authorized
Perkins distributor using Perkins supplied passwords.
Resetting the override will require the operator to
provide the information in the Usage Report below to
the service technician.
Override Usage Report
Usage report is not required to be provided for
engines operating in the EU or China. To comply with
United States federal regulations, operators in the
United States must report usage of the override to
Perkins within 60 days of activating the override.
Failure to meet this reporting requirement may
subject the operator to penalties under 40 CFR
1068.101. Perkins will in turn report override usage
annually to the United States EPA. Although
submitted to Perkins, the override usage reports are
deemed to be submissions to the United States EPA.
Federal regulations prohibit submitting false
information. The following information must be
included in the report:
• Contact name, mail and e-mail addresses, and
telephone number for the responsible company or
• A description of the emergency situation, the
location of the engine during the emergency, and
the contact information for a local authority official
who can verify the emergency situation
• The reason for the activation of the override during
the emergency situation, such as the lack of DEF,
or the failure of an emission-related sensor when
the engine was needed to respond to an
emergency situation
• The engine serial number (or equivalent)
• A description of the extent and duration of the
engine operation while the override was active,
including a statement describing whether the
override was manually deactivated (paused) after
the emergency situation ended
The Override Usage Report may be sent via e-
mail or regular mail to one of the following
Email :
Regular Mail :
Perkins Engines
P.O. Box 610
Mossville, IL 61552-0610
Attention: Emissions Compliance Manager
Operation Section
Selective Catalytic Reduction Warning System