Ensure that all covers are air tight and
weatherproof. Use a waterproof, weather resistant
type tape such as Kendall No. 231 or an
equivalent. Do not use duct tape. Duct tape will
only seal for a short time.
Under most conditions remove the batteries and
use the batteries in another application. As an
alternative, place the batteries in storage where
the batteries can be periodically checked and
electrically charged again when needed.
If the batteries are not removed, wash the tops of
the batteries until clean. Apply an electrical charge
to the batteries to obtain a specific gravity of
Disconnect the battery terminals. Place a plastic
cover over the batteries.
Loosen all belts (fan, alternator, and the
associated equipment).
Place a waterproof cover over the engine. Ensure
that the engine cover is secure, but loose enough
to allow air to circulate around the engine to
prevent damage from condensation.
Attach a tag to the engine with a notation of the
date that the unit was preserved.
Remove the waterproof covers, the dipstick, and
the fill caps every 2 months or 3 months and check
the engine for moisture or corrosion. If the engine
has signs of moisture or corrosion at the check
period, repeat the protection procedure.
Cooling System
Cooling systems should be maintained with Perkins
coolant or equivalent. Perkins coolant contains the
necessary inhibitors to prevent corrosion and pitting.
When used in the proper mixture, the coolant will
prevent damage due to rust and freezing.
Distilled water or deionized water is
recommended to add to glycol or to water based
coolants in engine cooling systems.
If distilled water or deionized water is not available,
use water that meets or exceeds the minimum
acceptable water requirements that are listed in
Table 20 .
Always fill the radiator full to prevent rusting of the top
tank. Do not leave any exposed air space within the
radiator. All exposed surface areas will rust.
Table 20
Perkins Minimum Acceptable Water Requirements
Maximum Limit
Chloride (Cl)
40 mg/L (2.4 grains/US gal)
Sulfate (SO
100 mg/L (5.9 grains/US gal)
Total Hardness
170 mg/L (10 grains/US gal)
Total Solids
340 mg/L (20 grains/US gal)
pH of 5.5 to 9.0
All Perkins engines equipped with Air-to-Air
Aftercooling (ATAAC) require a minimum of 30
percent glycol to prevent water pump cavitation.
Aftertreatment System
SCR Systems
Ensure that the SCR system is purged of all Diesel
Exhaust Fluid (DEF). The DEF system should be
flushed with clean water to eliminate any remaining
DEF. DEF will crystallize as the water portion of the
DEF evaporates over time. DEF crystals can
potentially damage the components in the SCR
system. Any spilled DEF should be cleaned up
immediately and the area flushed with water.
Catalyst removed from the reactor housing for
storage must be stored in an indoor environment out
of direct sunlight and moisture. The catalyst face
should be covered to prevent impact damage. The
temperature range for storage is −30° C (−22° F) to
80° C (176° F). Exposure to high humidity levels may
affect catalyst coatings which will affect performance.
Catalyst may be stored in VCI paper or plastic but
VCI oil should not be sprayed on catalyst.
DOC / DPF Storage
Ensure that all openings are sealed and that water is
not able to enter the unit or come in contact with the
catalyst/filter. Only VCI paper or plastic should be
used, do not spray DOC/DPF substrates with VCI oil.
Removal from Storage
Remove all outside protective covers.
Change the oil and filters. Flush any compartment
that contains friction material to removal all
residual VCI oil. Premature failure of fiction
material can result if all residual VCI is not
Check the condition of the fan and alternator belts.
Replace the belts, if necessary. Tighten the belts
as specified in the Operation & Maintenance