Warranty Section
Warranty Information
Items that are replaced under this warranty
become the property of Perkins Engine Company
limited .
Owner Responsibilities
During the emission warranty period, the owner is
responsible for the following items:
The costs in order to investigate complaints which
are not caused by a defect in Perkins Engine
Company limited material or Perkins Engine
Company limited workmanship.
Providing timely notice of a warrantable failure and
promptly making the product available for repair
Perkins Engine Company limited is not responsible
for resultant damages to an emission-related part or
component resulting from the following items:
Any application or any installation that Perkins
Engine Company limited deems improper.
Attachments, accessory items, or parts not sold
nor approved by Perkins Engine Company limited
Improper engine maintenance, repair, or abuse.
Use of improper fuel, lubricants, or
Owners unreasonable delay in making the product
available after being noti
ed of a potential product
This warranty is in addition to Perkins Engine
Company limited standard warranty, applicable to the
engine product involved.
Remedies under this warranty are limited to the
provision of material and services as speci
ed herein.
Perkins Engine Company limited is not responsible
for incidental or consequential damages, including
but not limited to downtime or loss-of-use of engine.
Emissions Warranty
United States
Environmental Protection Agency
California Air Resources Board
The warranty of the engine applies to engines
that are operated within the areas of the world
where the following regulations apply: US EPA Tier 4
Interim, EU Stage IIIB or Japanese MLIT Step 4. If
an engine is operated in regions of the world where
these regulations do not apply the warranty will be
void. Contact your Perkins dealer or your Perkins
distributor for more information.
Maintenance Recommendations
Perkins Engines Company Limited engines are
ed by the EPA and the CARB in order to comply
with exhaust emission standards and gaseous
emission standards that are prescribed by the law at
the time of manufacture.
ciency of the emission control and the engine
performance depends on adherence to proper
operation and maintenance recommendations and
use of recommended fuels and lubricating oils.
According to recommendations, major adjustments
and repairs should be made by your authorized
Perkins distributor or your authorized Perkins dealer.
Various chemical fuel additives which claim to reduce
visible smoke are available commercially. Although
additives have been used to solve some isolated
smoke problems in the
eld, additives are not
recommended for general use. The engines should
be certi
ed without smoke depressants according to
federal smoke regulations.
Take corrective steps immediately after worn parts
which may affect the emissions level are discovered
in order to ensure the proper operation of the
emission control systems. The use of genuine
Perkins components is recommended. If the owner
uses non-Perkins components, then the non-Perkins
components must not adversely affect the emissions
level of the engine.
For information on the use of Aftermarket Products
and Perkins Engines, refer to this Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Description”.
Regular maintenance intervals with a special
emphasis on the following items are necessary in
order to keep exhaust emissions within acceptable
limits for the useful life of the engine. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Severe Service
Application - Check” topic (Maintenance Section).
If the engine is operating under severe conditions,
adjust the maintenance schedule accordingly.
See your authorized Perkins distributor/dealer in
order to help analyze your speci
c application,
operating environment, and maintenance schedule