RP-15.2 Proximity Card Reader
Table 2. Change of output data format of the readers:
Wire determining a
format of output data
Connection point (conductor) at an
output of a regular connection
cable of a reader
Format of output data of a
reader determined by performed
Orange (WF)
(not connected)
Wiegand 26
Orange (WF)
D0 (green)
Wiegand 37
Orange (WF)
“ground” (black + shield)
Reader installation must be carried out by circuit installer. Before mounting and first
switch-on carefully study the reader manual, order and details of reader adjustment to
different PERCo units stipulated in corresponding sections of their operation manuals.
Operation of the reader must be made in compliance with environmental requirements and
power supply parameters stipulated in clause 1 and 2.
Observe general safety requirements for use of electrical equipment
Only serviceable tools should be used.
Joining of all connectors is made only upon power supply off.
Cable laying should be produced subject to electrical devices operation rules.
In case of faulty power supply reader operation is prohibited.
7.1. Features of installation
The following factors must be considered:
Close electric interference sources shorten card reading distance, therefore reader
must be installed at min. 1 m whilst its cable laid at min. 30 cm distance from
computer monitors, electric generators and motors, ac relays, thyristor light
regulators, ac lines, computer and telephone signals.
When reader mounted on metal surface the code reading distance from card
reduces to 15–25 %;
If the reader is mounted behind metal surface it is necessary to cut out the window
in it and install the reader opposite and equidistant to window edges (Ref. Fig.3)
provided that window measures are min. 220×126 mm. The window can be
covered with non-metal panel (for ex. plastic) whilst reader can be recessed inside
the window at max. 20 mm distance from metal surface front side – at this
mounting variant the code reading distance reduces to 30 – 50%;
Distance between two readers should be min. 50 cm.